Monday, November 5, 2007

Blog Post #8

Discussed in Chapter 8 were topics such as Computer Security Risks, Computer Viruses, and even Theft. This chapter was very interesting and informed me on things that I never even knew about computer technology. A computer security risk is an event or action that can cause a loss of or damage to the computer. Similar to the risks, a virus is designed to affect computers negatively by altering the way they work. There are many types if viruses like a boot sector virus or a file virus, just to name a few. With theft, one example is software piracy, which is the unauthorized and illegal duplication of copyrighted software. Common sense and awareness of the risks are the most preventative ways against computer theft.

Since the last blog posting, I've learned an abundance of information on the ASSURE model. I now know that you must first analyze the learner, then you have to state objectives, select methods, media, and materials, utilize methods, media, and materials, require learner participation, and then evaluate and revise. Also, with technology integration, it is the combination of all technology parts like hardware and software, together with each subject-related area of curriculum to enhance learning. Chapter 6 was very informative and I really did learn a lot.

I would like to share with the class that I am so excited that it's getting close to the end. It's already time for the semester to be over and it seems like it just began yesterday. I am ready for the finals to begin so that it can hurry and be over with. I am currently a Junior, so the sooner time flies, the sooner I'll graduate. LOL! I hope everyone has a great remaining semester and a safe holiday break!

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