Monday, October 29, 2007

Blog Post # 7

In Chapter 6, technology integration was one of the topics discussed. It involves the combining of all technology parts, like hardware and software, together with each subject-related area of curriculum to enhance learning. Also, related to this topic was the importance of establishing connections between subject matter and the real world. Technology can also motivate students and increase class attendance. Some instructional strategies I learned were that teachers are now shifting from being the dispenser of knowledge to the facilitators and that lack of teacher training is one of the many barriers to technology integration.

The new skills that I have learned since the last posting were how to correctly produce a PowerPoint and all about digital media applications and educational software. I had a great time creating my slideshow for a kindergarten class and now I can apply my skills whenever they are needed as I pursue my future educational career.

I would like to share with the course that I had a great weekend. It was long because I had to attend many mandatory events and go to work but after that was all over; I was able to get some much needed rest. I am still pretty worn out, but with my job as a Corp Member for an organization called Jumpstart, it keeps me excited and up on my toes. I am assigned to one child and I basically become his big sister and try to enhance his social and literacy skills. He keeps me motivated and I love it!

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