Monday, October 22, 2007

Blog #5

In Chapter 7, topics such as evaluating educational technology and integration strategies were discussed. I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter because it seemed to be very informative. Evaluation of educational technology is important before instruction begins, during the instructional period, and after the instruction takes place. Educators can rely on a variety of resources to help them identify and evaluate this, such as school districts, state Departments of Education, organizations, and much more. Also, to help meet the challenge of motivating students to learn, teachers much change their traditional roles. Instructional strategies help teachers integrate technology into a one-computer classroom. The most common usage is for classroom presentations and demonstrations. But the most important advantage is a computer lab where all students can experience hands-on computer technology.

Since the last posting, I have learned how to search Web sites using different search techniques and search tools. I have also learned about different internet services such as email, chatting, and instant messaging. I really enjoyed the previous chapter as well as chapter 7 because they were both so informative. They provided me with information that I know will be vital to my educational career as well as for me and my own personal knowledge.

For the class, I would just like to wish everyone a great day and rest of the week. I always run out of thing to say by the time I reach the last paragraph so I start to make things up! LOL! Hopefully everyone will find what I have to say interesting. I also, hope that everyone is having a great semester and is aware that it is almost over. Only a couple more months and then we get a break! YAY!!!

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