Monday, October 22, 2007

Blog Posting #2

Within Chapter 3, titled Application Software Productivity Tools for Educators, I found an abundance of very useful information on the topics of application software, productivity software, graphics and multimedia software. The information regarding Application software was basically stating that the corresponding programs were designed to perform specific tasks for users. Also, packaged software such as Microsoft Word can be purchased via web or retailers. Productivity software is designed to help people work more effectively and efficiently while performing daily tasks. The software includes applications like word processing, database, spreadsheet, personal information management and software suites. Likewise, graphics and multimedia software include useful applications such as desktop publishing, multimedia authoring, and Web page authoring software. All authoring software is designed specifically to create graphics, text, and also helps create, organize, and manage web sites.

I have definitely acquired new and useful skills that will be very helpful to my educational career since the last posting. I now know how to develop a newsletter through Word and graphics which will be useful in any school setting. Also, developing the flow chart using the Inspiration software was very useful and exciting. It seemed very easy to read and easy to produce and could also help keep me organized in a school setting.

What I would like to share with the class is that my boyfriend finally made it home from Iraq and we had a wonderful break together. Although I was very ill, we still had a nice time. I was very upset that I missed so many days of class from being ill but now I’m much better! Overall, I had a great week and hopefully my days will continue to get better!

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