Monday, October 22, 2007

Blog #6

In Chapter 5, some of the topics discussed were digital media applications and educational software applications. Digital media applications involve the use of digital media technology for education, business, and entertainment. Educational Software applications are available in several designs, forms and curriculum levels. They include educational games, tutorials, integrated learning systems, and much more.

Since the last posting, I have learned about educational technology and integration strategies. I learned that one- computer classrooms are mainly used for demonstrations and classroom presentations. Also, the most important advantage is a computer lab because all students are able to get a hands-on experience. With educational technology, it is to be utilized at all times throughout the instructional setting.

What I would like to discuss with the class today are some things about me. I am 20 years old and currently a junior. My major is Family and Child Sciences with an emphasis in Elementary Education. I love kids and hope to have some of my own one day. I plan to start my own child care development center and then build one into a franchise. I am involved with Jumpstart as a Corp Member and I absolutely love my job. I have one child that I help learn to read and write while still being able to do what he wants to do at the same time.

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