Monday, October 22, 2007

Blog Set-Up

My prior experiences using technology have been wonderful. From the utilizing the computer to my cell phone, technology has done wonders for me. The internet today, is the way of life in my opinion. Its a gateway to...EVERYTHING! Anything and everything you need, can be found online. Wireless internet has definitely been great also! My cell phone is like my planner. I wake-up by the alarm on my phone, it reminds me when I have a meeting, and it's the most convenient way to stay in contact with my family. Technology has been wonderful and my prior experiences have been as well. Technology is always advancing and I'm always looking foward to that!

From this class, I hope to learn everything it has to offer. I mainly want to learn more computer skills that I haven't already aquired. I would like to be able to use Excel and Powerpoint much better than I do now. Also, I would like to understand how to use more software programs within Windows and how those programs are related to educational technology.

I have not been in attendance to any classes thus far, so I was not able to participate in the activity done in class. I don't know exactly what my learning style is but I can say I have to have visuals, hands-on, and an actually demonstration in order for me to learn to the best of my ability. I can't learn just by reading or just soley by listening. I have to have someone explain the concept clearly, demonstarte the concept to me, and then allow me to actually demonstrate it myself. Afterwards, the concept will be instilled in my brain!

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