Monday, October 22, 2007

Blog Posting #4

While reading Chapter 2, some of the topics that were discussed included Internet services, assistive technologies, guide to WWW sites, search, techniques, and search tools. The internet is a worldwide collection of networks that link together million of businesses, governments, educational institutions, and individuals via modems, telephone lines, and other communication devices and media. Some services of the internet include email, File Transfer Protocol, chat, instant messaging, and more. Search tools are also needed to access the world wide web. They enable users to locate information found at Web sites all over the world.

Since my last posting, I have learned all about the different types of input and output devices. I also learned that storage medium is the physical material on which data, instructions, and information are kept. A keyboard is a group or switches resembling the keys on a typewriter that allows users to enter input. They keyboard and many other parts are all vital components to the computer.

I would like to share with the class that I am really enjoying this computer course. I really hope to be able to pull of an A in this course set aside from all the make-up work that I have to complete due to my illness. I feel that Ms. Lee is a wonderful teacher and is compassionate about the well being and grades of her students. Getting a good grade in this course will determine if my G.P.A goes up or down. I had one bad semester and I’m desperately trying to pull my grades up! Hopefully everything works out for the best and I also hope everything works out for my fellow classmates.

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