Sunday, November 18, 2007

Blog # 9

I feel that Google is the most interesting web-based tool and resource that I may use when teaching. Googleis an American public corporation that specializes in Internet search and online advertising. The company is based in Mountain View, California, and has 15,916 full-time employees as of September 30, 2007. Google's mission statement is, "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." It is the largest American company that is not part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 7, 1998. Google's initial public offering took place on August 19, 2004, raising $1.67 billion, making it worth $23 billion. Through a series of new product developments, acquisitions and partnerships, the company has expanded its initial search and advertising business into other areas, including web-based email, online mapping, office productivity, and video sharing, among others. With that being said, there's not doubt about it that is the most interesting and helpful resource for any teacher. Not only does Google help me now as a college student, but I'm sure that I'll be utilizing the site on a daily basis once I enter into my profression as well.

As I tried to master the technology of Excel, I found it very difficult to do. The only time I have ever worked with Excel was way back in high school for a required computer course. The assignment that we did for this course, helped me somewhat but I would still like to fully master it. Hopefully in the future, I'll be able to grasp the concept and apply it to my profession.

To achieve my educational-technology goals in the future I will ask other resources what they have found to be most effective as they incoporated technology into their classrooms. I will also do research to be sure I have found the most productive way to incorporate technology into whatever profession I may chose to enter. As well as, to incorporate the technology on a daily basis so that individuals have a chance to become familiar with it.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Blog Post #8

Discussed in Chapter 8 were topics such as Computer Security Risks, Computer Viruses, and even Theft. This chapter was very interesting and informed me on things that I never even knew about computer technology. A computer security risk is an event or action that can cause a loss of or damage to the computer. Similar to the risks, a virus is designed to affect computers negatively by altering the way they work. There are many types if viruses like a boot sector virus or a file virus, just to name a few. With theft, one example is software piracy, which is the unauthorized and illegal duplication of copyrighted software. Common sense and awareness of the risks are the most preventative ways against computer theft.

Since the last blog posting, I've learned an abundance of information on the ASSURE model. I now know that you must first analyze the learner, then you have to state objectives, select methods, media, and materials, utilize methods, media, and materials, require learner participation, and then evaluate and revise. Also, with technology integration, it is the combination of all technology parts like hardware and software, together with each subject-related area of curriculum to enhance learning. Chapter 6 was very informative and I really did learn a lot.

I would like to share with the class that I am so excited that it's getting close to the end. It's already time for the semester to be over and it seems like it just began yesterday. I am ready for the finals to begin so that it can hurry and be over with. I am currently a Junior, so the sooner time flies, the sooner I'll graduate. LOL! I hope everyone has a great remaining semester and a safe holiday break!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Blog Post # 7

In Chapter 6, technology integration was one of the topics discussed. It involves the combining of all technology parts, like hardware and software, together with each subject-related area of curriculum to enhance learning. Also, related to this topic was the importance of establishing connections between subject matter and the real world. Technology can also motivate students and increase class attendance. Some instructional strategies I learned were that teachers are now shifting from being the dispenser of knowledge to the facilitators and that lack of teacher training is one of the many barriers to technology integration.

The new skills that I have learned since the last posting were how to correctly produce a PowerPoint and all about digital media applications and educational software. I had a great time creating my slideshow for a kindergarten class and now I can apply my skills whenever they are needed as I pursue my future educational career.

I would like to share with the course that I had a great weekend. It was long because I had to attend many mandatory events and go to work but after that was all over; I was able to get some much needed rest. I am still pretty worn out, but with my job as a Corp Member for an organization called Jumpstart, it keeps me excited and up on my toes. I am assigned to one child and I basically become his big sister and try to enhance his social and literacy skills. He keeps me motivated and I love it!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Blog Set-Up

My prior experiences using technology have been wonderful. From the utilizing the computer to my cell phone, technology has done wonders for me. The internet today, is the way of life in my opinion. Its a gateway to...EVERYTHING! Anything and everything you need, can be found online. Wireless internet has definitely been great also! My cell phone is like my planner. I wake-up by the alarm on my phone, it reminds me when I have a meeting, and it's the most convenient way to stay in contact with my family. Technology has been wonderful and my prior experiences have been as well. Technology is always advancing and I'm always looking foward to that!

From this class, I hope to learn everything it has to offer. I mainly want to learn more computer skills that I haven't already aquired. I would like to be able to use Excel and Powerpoint much better than I do now. Also, I would like to understand how to use more software programs within Windows and how those programs are related to educational technology.

I have not been in attendance to any classes thus far, so I was not able to participate in the activity done in class. I don't know exactly what my learning style is but I can say I have to have visuals, hands-on, and an actually demonstration in order for me to learn to the best of my ability. I can't learn just by reading or just soley by listening. I have to have someone explain the concept clearly, demonstarte the concept to me, and then allow me to actually demonstrate it myself. Afterwards, the concept will be instilled in my brain!

Jocelyn's Blog

According to chapter one titled, Integrating Educational Technology into the Curriculum, teachers in today's technological world have to decide whether or not to include the digital world in their curriculum. Today's digital students are just like me and you. We like to listen to music while we work and text message our friends in class on our Sidekicks. The chapter expresses the need for educators to adapt their methods of teaching to the new "digital students" rather then teach based on the previous styles of learning. These new digital students learn based off multimedia and sound bites, rather than just learning based on text and linear thinking. The ARCS Motivation Model was deveoped in 1983 by John Keller to get students more motivated about learning so that their retention of the material becomes greater. There are four main areas that may account for differences in students success at retaining knowlege which are attention, relevance, challenge/confidence, and satisfaction/success. By using these newer technological advances, instructors are able to grasp more of the students' attention.Since my last posting, I have learned that I will definitely need to be considerate to the availability of computers and technology to each student. It will most likely depend on the location and area in which I decide to reside as to whether each student has the necassary resources to excel in today's "digital world". Some parents may not be as involved in their child's education therefore, the child may not have the same opportunity as others, to learn as much. I've also learned how to correctly format a disk and how to copy items from a desktop into a file from the Windows XP Practice Test.I would like to share with the class that my boyfriend is currently serving our country in Iraq, but fortunately gets a break to come home to me this week! I'm so excited and I just want to tell the world! LOL! Also, in Iraq, they have more advanced technology than most people think. I was actually suprised when he told me that Baghdad has a McDonalds!!! They also have very up-to-date computers and majority of the soliders actually complete their schooling online and recieve a degree in anything they wish to pursue. I'm so proud of him because he's younger than me and just recieved his B.S. degree in Criminal Justice.

Blog #6

In Chapter 5, some of the topics discussed were digital media applications and educational software applications. Digital media applications involve the use of digital media technology for education, business, and entertainment. Educational Software applications are available in several designs, forms and curriculum levels. They include educational games, tutorials, integrated learning systems, and much more.

Since the last posting, I have learned about educational technology and integration strategies. I learned that one- computer classrooms are mainly used for demonstrations and classroom presentations. Also, the most important advantage is a computer lab because all students are able to get a hands-on experience. With educational technology, it is to be utilized at all times throughout the instructional setting.

What I would like to discuss with the class today are some things about me. I am 20 years old and currently a junior. My major is Family and Child Sciences with an emphasis in Elementary Education. I love kids and hope to have some of my own one day. I plan to start my own child care development center and then build one into a franchise. I am involved with Jumpstart as a Corp Member and I absolutely love my job. I have one child that I help learn to read and write while still being able to do what he wants to do at the same time.

Blog #5

In Chapter 7, topics such as evaluating educational technology and integration strategies were discussed. I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter because it seemed to be very informative. Evaluation of educational technology is important before instruction begins, during the instructional period, and after the instruction takes place. Educators can rely on a variety of resources to help them identify and evaluate this, such as school districts, state Departments of Education, organizations, and much more. Also, to help meet the challenge of motivating students to learn, teachers much change their traditional roles. Instructional strategies help teachers integrate technology into a one-computer classroom. The most common usage is for classroom presentations and demonstrations. But the most important advantage is a computer lab where all students can experience hands-on computer technology.

Since the last posting, I have learned how to search Web sites using different search techniques and search tools. I have also learned about different internet services such as email, chatting, and instant messaging. I really enjoyed the previous chapter as well as chapter 7 because they were both so informative. They provided me with information that I know will be vital to my educational career as well as for me and my own personal knowledge.

For the class, I would just like to wish everyone a great day and rest of the week. I always run out of thing to say by the time I reach the last paragraph so I start to make things up! LOL! Hopefully everyone will find what I have to say interesting. I also, hope that everyone is having a great semester and is aware that it is almost over. Only a couple more months and then we get a break! YAY!!!

Blog Posting #4

While reading Chapter 2, some of the topics that were discussed included Internet services, assistive technologies, guide to WWW sites, search, techniques, and search tools. The internet is a worldwide collection of networks that link together million of businesses, governments, educational institutions, and individuals via modems, telephone lines, and other communication devices and media. Some services of the internet include email, File Transfer Protocol, chat, instant messaging, and more. Search tools are also needed to access the world wide web. They enable users to locate information found at Web sites all over the world.

Since my last posting, I have learned all about the different types of input and output devices. I also learned that storage medium is the physical material on which data, instructions, and information are kept. A keyboard is a group or switches resembling the keys on a typewriter that allows users to enter input. They keyboard and many other parts are all vital components to the computer.

I would like to share with the class that I am really enjoying this computer course. I really hope to be able to pull of an A in this course set aside from all the make-up work that I have to complete due to my illness. I feel that Ms. Lee is a wonderful teacher and is compassionate about the well being and grades of her students. Getting a good grade in this course will determine if my G.P.A goes up or down. I had one bad semester and I’m desperately trying to pull my grades up! Hopefully everything works out for the best and I also hope everything works out for my fellow classmates.

Blog Posting #3

Within Chapter 4 titled Hardware for Educators, the topics such as input devices, output devices, and storage media and devices. An input device is any hardware component that allows you to enter data, programs, commands, and user responses into a computer. The devices include keyboards, pointing devices, scanners and reading devices, and etc. an output device is any computer component capable of conveying information to a user. Output devices are commonly include monitors, printers, data projectors, speakers, and etc. A Storage device is a mechanism used to record and retrieve items to and from a storage medium. They function as sources of input and output.

I would like to share with the class that I just recently applied for an intern position and I really hope I get it! I applied for the intern just recently as a project for my Human Growth and Development course. As a class, we also had to build a resume and cover letter to send to the company and that helped me out a great deal. Hopefully, the director of the position finds me as an ideal candidate and chooses me for the intern. Wish me luck!!!!

Some new skills I’ve acquired since the last posting that I feel will be useful to my future educational career were obtained while completing the Web Hunt activity. Now, I know how to use Google and any other search engine to find a major website that is useful to what I need to research. I also learned that Word can be a very useful tool for many different things. I use Word to write all my papers for school and I now know how to utilize it for other things.

Blog Posting #2

Within Chapter 3, titled Application Software Productivity Tools for Educators, I found an abundance of very useful information on the topics of application software, productivity software, graphics and multimedia software. The information regarding Application software was basically stating that the corresponding programs were designed to perform specific tasks for users. Also, packaged software such as Microsoft Word can be purchased via web or retailers. Productivity software is designed to help people work more effectively and efficiently while performing daily tasks. The software includes applications like word processing, database, spreadsheet, personal information management and software suites. Likewise, graphics and multimedia software include useful applications such as desktop publishing, multimedia authoring, and Web page authoring software. All authoring software is designed specifically to create graphics, text, and also helps create, organize, and manage web sites.

I have definitely acquired new and useful skills that will be very helpful to my educational career since the last posting. I now know how to develop a newsletter through Word and graphics which will be useful in any school setting. Also, developing the flow chart using the Inspiration software was very useful and exciting. It seemed very easy to read and easy to produce and could also help keep me organized in a school setting.

What I would like to share with the class is that my boyfriend finally made it home from Iraq and we had a wonderful break together. Although I was very ill, we still had a nice time. I was very upset that I missed so many days of class from being ill but now I’m much better! Overall, I had a great week and hopefully my days will continue to get better!